“Spectacle from behind the bars” reportage
(TVP Wrocław, 09/06/2015)
– article
– part of “Fakty” news broadcast (starting about min. 16)
Reportage on the topic of “Unlocking: Theater in Prison” project
(NGO.pl / Jurnalism, 17/07/2015)
– article
Announcement of the “Reflection” performance
(Wrocław.pl, 12/11/2015)
– article
Interview with Agnieszka Bresler about the”Reflection” performance
(Program 2 Polskiego Radia, 23/11/2015)
– interview
Reportage on the topic of “Reflection” performance
(Radio Gra, 25/11/2015)
– reportage
“A unique spectacle with participation of the prisoners from Wrocław’s Penitentiary” (Gazeta Wyborcza, 09/12/2015)
– article
“Jubilo – Together they found the language of joy.”
(Gazeta Wrocławska, 13/05/2012)
– article