HIDDEN CITIES is a series of musical and theatrical events taking place in non-theatrical spaces, free and open to a very diverse audience.The project aims to give visibility to the hidden places on the map of Wroclaw by using them as spaces of artistic activity, exchange of experience and social dialogue in cultural frame.
In 2015 the project was run by Fundacja Jubilo in two places of Wroclaw’s Nadodrze region: MiserArt at Cybulskiego 35 and Penitentiary Prison No 1 at Kleczkowska 35 and consisted of a concert of traditional songs (October), workshops with the inmates of the Penitentiary Prison No 1 and homeless people involved in the development of the MiseArt project (October/November) and the premiere of Black Night White Day performance (December) by Jubilo Ensemble. Thanks to these artistic interventions the project aims to give visibility to the hidden realities of our society and to actively involve the inhabitants of the “hidden cities” in the creative process of Jubilo Ensemble.
I come to you (…) so that you don’t make a black night of a white day
Papusza, Gypsy poet
by Jubilo Ensemble
29th October 2015
MiserArt – Strefa Kultury w Labiryncie Wykluczenia
ul. Cybulskiego 35a, Wrocław
The repertoire of the concert consists of songs from Bulgaria, Hungary, Georgia, Serbia, Lithuania, Romania, Russia, Morocco, Great Britain, United States and the Roma tradition.
A concert as a journey, a travel, a path from city to city, from meeting to meeting, from song to song.
Passing through diverse musical landscapes we aim to build a map of different countries, different cities and different people, drawing from the tradition of polyphonic singing, travelling Roma music and materials gathered by Jubilo Ensemble members in cultural expeditions to various European countries. The harmonies we create in the space will be symbolically and physically expressed by theatrical actions and performative elements, enriching the musical dramaturgy and leading us towards the next step of HIDDEN CITIES – the creation of a performance.
Performed by Samuel Alty, Agnieszka Bresler, Joshua Doerksen, Aleksandra Gronowska, Katarzyna Kapela, Aleksandra Kugacz, Diego Pileggi, Mariae Śmiarowska, Jacek Timingeriu
performance by Jubilo Ensemble
Date of premiere: 12th December 2015
MiserArt – strefa kultury w labiryncie wykluczenia
ul. Cybulskiego 35a, Wroclaw
Performed in Polish and English.
The texts used in the performance come from “Invisible Cities” of Italo Calvino, poetry of Roma poet Bronislawa Wajs – Papusza, prose of Aglaja Veteranyi, diaries of Afghan refugee Zaher Rezai, poetry of Halina Poswiatowska and the Gnostic Gospels of Mary Magdalene.
The performance’s main theme is the journey: meaning both a travel – a path from one city to another, from one meeting to the next one – and the internal travel of a character within the spectrum of its emotions, means of communication and expression. It is a journey that allows to discover and pass borders, cover distances and face the way we perceive the external world, its colours, its diversity and variety. The opposition of the title is the starting point of this journey. The contradiction of the world is its source.
Following Dante and Marco Polo we invite the audience on a journey through “cities”, faces and music, making it a part of a colourful story in which the words connect the worlds despite all distance.
Performers: Agnieszka Bresler, Joshua Doerksen, Aleksandra Gronowska, Aleksandra Kugacz, Diego Pileggi, Mariae Śmiarowska
Directed by: Diego Pileggi
Set design: Aleksandra Gronowska
Lights: Paweł Nowak
Artistic collaborators: Samuel Alty, Katarzyna Kapela, Jacek Timingeriu
Project coordinator: Agnieszka Krzaczkowska
Project partners: The Grotowski Institute, MiserArt – Strefa Kultury w Labiryncie Wykluczenia, Zakład Karny Nr 1 in Wrocław
Financed by the Ministry of Culture in the Accessible Culture programme.
Photos: Dorota Romanowska
Zdjęcia: Yousef Al Hosam
Photos: Maciej Zakrzewski
Photos: Piotr Spigiel