From the beginning of implementation of the activities of the project, Jubilo Foundation emphasized the important role of promoting the active engagement of the audience in order to overcome possible prejudices or diffidence towards prison environment and at the same time, fostering the connection between the audience and the prison system, since it is very difficult for common people to enter in touch with this institution. For this purpose we have been building a social media action in which, people interested in the project, could publish their pictures on Facebook and Instagram with the #jubiloactiveaudience. It is the first step to create a space for the “outside” audience to meet and actively participate in the creation of the project outputs through the involvement in the virtual sphere.
The Jubilo Foundation also conducted a promotional campaign related to the implementation of the program Unlocking: Theatre in prison – Meetings with experts, a series of online meetings connected to the topic of theatre in prison. The aim of this program was to bring awareness to the wider audience on the theme of theatre in prison within the national and international sphere, deepening the knowledge of the realities that for many years have developed the professional theatre practice within Penitentiary Systems in Poland and abroad as well as stimulate a wider discussion with academics and practitioners related to the Penitentiary System, on the effect of artistic and cultural programs within prisons.
Next step of our #jubiloactiveaudience campaign was the cycle of publications collecting texts showing the scientific, academic and artistic perspective on the methodology of the activities carried out by the Jubilo Foundation in the field of theatre in prison and its project “Unlocking” in cooperation with the Grotowski Institute. It is the first step within the framework of extensive research documenting and analyzing the course of the theatrical and rehabilitation process undertaken together with a group of inmates in Penitentiary No. 1 in Wrocław.
Moreover we developed a series of video testimonials with the group of theatre operators, who described their experience of working with Jubilo. Main purpose of this action was sensitization on the topic of theater in prison and encouraging a wider audience to relate to and discuss the issue. As a part of the video testimonial #jubiloactiveaudience series, Jubilo has published statements of Emily Thiel, Magdalena Mosteanu, Maja Renn and Zuzanna Dobrzańska, where they discuss topics such as, Jubilo’s training program for theatre operators within Freeway project, the connection between social and artistic work, or the experience of entering Wroclaw’s prison with the foundation.
Strona projektu:
Partnerzy projektu: Teatro dei Venti, aufBruch, UPSDA.
Sfinansowano ze środków Creative Europe oraz Gminy Wrocław.