In May 2013, Jubilo initiated field sessions with Fundacja Opieka i Troska, working with adults who have had experiences of mental illness. The foundation offers workshops focusing on visual arts and crafts, yoga, computer training, and culinary skills. In addition, the foundation began a theatrical project with a select group of individuals, cooperating with various theatres from the Wroclaw area. During the spring 2013 session, “The Space Between,” as part of the BodyConstitution program, Jubilo introduced the group to the language of physical and musical training developed from its experiences with its past field groups and coming from the material developed during the laboratory research in The Grotowski Institute.

The focus of the work was on developing dynamic physical expression through partner work and games, as well as creating the platform of the ensemble, allowing individuals to experience the creativity and freedom of improvisation through the support of the group. Unique to this particular field work with Opieka i Troska, was the direct involvement of the therapists, who not only monitored the work sessions, but actually entered the work directly as participants. This was a crucial breakthrough, revealing that it is the responsibility of each individual (artistic leader, therapist, participant) to transform a group of people into an ensemble, where an individual can find the courage to break through his/her own barriers and touch the experience of joy and freedom.

Photos: Karol Jarek