In Autumn 2012, Jubilo began collaborating with Stowarzyszenie NOMADA, an organization concerned with the protection of human rights of peoples who are marginalised by society or the state. A large part of NOMADA’s work focuses on working with immigrants, foreigners, and ethnic and religious minorities. Together with NOMADA, Jubilo began to meet with a community of Romanian Roma youth residing in a temporary settlement in the Kamienskiego street district of Wroclaw. These Roma represent a specific tribe coming from Romania, who speak the Romani language and have little or no grasp of the Polish language. Because of the linguistic and cultural barriers, not only do they have limited access to the cultural and economic resources of the community, but also they do not engage with the other Polish Roma communities in Wroclaw.
With the collaboration of NOMADA, Jubilo began a series of workshops to engage the youth in the settlement. During the workshops, Jubilo introduced work with music, rhythm, acrobatics, and games to engage group cooperation and play. Jubilo’s work with the Roma continued with a meeting in the theatre space of The Grotowski Institute for Dzień Dziecka (Children’s Day), bringing together a former Jubilo group of Polish Roma (Romani Bacht, PROM) and the Romanian Roma for the first time.
Photos: Karol Jarek