Jubilo Foundation’s theatre workshop
Conducting: Diego Pileggi and Aleksandra Gronowska
Fri 25 September 19:00–22:00 work session
Sat 26 September 11:00–14:30, 15:30–18:30 work sessions
Sun 27 September 11:00–14:30, 15:30–18:30 work sessions
Single workshop: 450 PLN
For who?
The workshop is open to actors, performers, singers, students and all those interested in Jubilo’s theatre work. Each participant will be asked to prepare a personal song (preferably traditional) and a chosen text (self-written, theatrical, or from other sources) connected to the topic: ‘The Other’.
About the workshop
This workshop is the third session of Jubilo Foundation’s workshop series. Its main focus will be the exploration of sound and voice.
Starting from a common ground built on trust and ensemble exercises, we will explore the connection between body and voice, using the body as a passage towards vocal and musical expression. Working with tools like vocal and physical listening, tuning, impulse, rhythm and sound, we will open our voices in order to access a process of personal exploration.
What is the body of a sound? What is the physicality of a song? Does an action have a sound/word hidden within it? What relation can we build between action, music and text? Challenging both individual, partner and group dynamics, we will try to overcome our physical and vocal limits, building a bridge between exercises and creative material.
Technical elements developed in the workshop:
• listening and relation
• work on rhythm
• body/voice work
• harmony/dissonance
• work on resonators
• elements of polyphonic singing
• work on breath and dialogue
• the relation between drone and melody
• the relation between text and song
• relaxation and sounding
Single workshop: 450 PLN
Completed application forms for Jubilo’s third workshop, ‘I Am: Voice’, should be emailed to office@jubiloproject.com (tel. +48 535 739 698) by 22 September 2020. The email subject should be followed by the name of the chosen workshop. Participants will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Places are limited.