Jubilo Foundation’s theatre workshop
Conducting : Diego Pileggi and Aleksandra Gronowska
16/10/2020 pt. 19:00–22:00 sesja pracy
17/10/2020 sob. 11:00–14:30, 15:30–18:30 sesje pracy
18/10/2020 niedz. 11:00–14:30, 15:30–18:30 sesje pracy
For who?
The workshop is open to actors, performers, singers, students and all those interested in Jubilo’s theatre work. Each participant will be asked to prepare a personal song (preferably traditional) and a chosen text (self-written, theatrical, or from other sources) connected to the topic: ‘ I am’ and ‘The Other’.
About the workshop
‘I Am: Community’ is the fourth session of Jubilo Foundation’s workshop series. It will focus on the application of theatrical techniques within a social environment, especially in regard to ‘Unlocking’, a project that the company has been developing since 2015 in collaboration with Penitentiary Wrocław 1 and the Grotowski Institute. Jubilo will share with the participants exercises and training elements used by the company during the development of their theatre work and artistic practice within social environments and, more specifically, prison.
Starting from ensemble techniques and relation, the work will shift to more direct questions connected to the composition of physical etudes and physical scores. Specific focus will be given to the direct application and analysis of the company’s methodology in order to understand, in a deeper way, its application in accordance with different reference environments (i.e. prison, theatre workshop), the phase of development of artistic materials, etc.
In this way, the participants will be softly accompanied in a process of personal exploration, questioning the role of theatre artists and theatre educators within our society as well as deepening, in a wider aspect, Jubilo’s applied work in a social environment.
During the workshop, participants will also have the opportunity to watch film footage and discuss with the workshop leader their methodologies and the application of theatre and performance techniques within social environments, and specifically within the penitentiary system. In this way, participants will be able to deepen their knowledge of Jubilo’s work, learn and develop elements of technique, as well as question themselves creatively.
Technical elements developed in the workshop:
• listening and relation
• work on rhythm
• body/voice work
• harmony/dissonance
• work on resonators
• elements of polyphonic singing
• work on breath and dialogue
• the relation between drone and melody
• the relation between text and song
• relaxation and sounding
Single workshop: 450 PLN
Completed application forms for Jubilo’s third workshop, ‘I Am: Community’, should be emailed to office@jubiloproject.com (tel. +48 535 739 698) by 18 September 2020. The email subject should be followed by the name of the chosen workshop. Participants will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Places are limited.